How to sell VoIP to the Education Sector

More and more business sectors are finding out that VoIP systems not only save them money, it could improve productivity. With this in mind, you may wish to look at selling VoIP to schools and colleges, so here are some tips on how to sell VoIP to the education sector.

Let’s have a look at some of the ways VoIP can help the education sector so you can go into schools and colleges and sell with confidence.

Online Learning With VoIP

Video calls used to be for chats with relatives or business meetings, but there has been an increase in using the technology for distance learning, especially recently.

As we have found out, there are times when schools have to close for health reasons, emergencies or bad weather, which means pupils staying at home and missing lessons.

With online learning, they can still take part in lessons wherever they are. All they need is a device connected to the internet.

Online learning has widened the scope of what can be taught. Students can have virtual tours of museums or art galleries, for example, or watch a performance of a Shakespeare play.

Whilst it is true online learning will not give students the same level of interaction as face to face, group learning and conference calls allow for interaction between whole classes and their teachers.

Educational videos can be incorporated into lessons, teachers can tap into the huge archive of material available and share their screen with students.

Lessons and teaching resources can be shared with other schools and colleges, giving teachers and pupils a much larger amount of education material to choose from.

Online learning can also free up classroom space in busy schools. Teachers can have staff meetings through a video call if they aren’t all able to be at school at a particular time or cannot find a suitable room.

The technology also allows virtual lessons to be recorded and reused, proving a valuable revision aid or useful for those who cannot make the lesson.

If you are considering how to sell VoIP to the education sector, the possibility of online learning, especially for older pupils, is an advantage that cannot be underestimated.

Improved Phone Communication With VoIP

Schools and colleges often find themselves under-resourced. Often, the telephone systems and staff struggle to handle the number of calls coming through at any given time.

This creates a much heavier workload for teachers and administrative staff. Not only that, but it frustrates parents trying to get through to speak to someone.

With a VoIP system, they can add or decrease the number of phone extensions in use, allowing for times of increased need. Because the system is hosted offline in the cloud, the school or college won’t have to be disrupted by phone engineers or find space for new hardware.

Parents will find it much easier to communicate with a school or college too, being able to get through to different extension numbers instead of waiting in the dreaded phone queue.

What’s more, VoIP can help teachers to stay organised, as voicemails can be converted to text and emailed to them.

Or they can listen to voicemails and send group messages or emails to parents with ease and speed.

Track Budgets And Costs In The Education Sector With VoIP

It is no secret that the education sector often struggles to get the amount of money it needs.

With a VoIP system, schools and colleges don’t have to spend money on traditional telephone lines.

They won’t need a member of the IT department to be responsible for any issues with VoIP either, as you, the service provider, looks after this for them (through our VoIP reseller service).

The auto attendant functionality of VoIP can free up resources too. Auto attendant allows calls to be directed or redirected by administrators instead of having all calls routed through a full-time school receptionist.

When you are selling VoIP to the education sector, remember that the technology allows the education sector to track calls and call usage. This allows them to see if a particular department is struggling with calls and re-direct resources from another department who are not struggling as much.

Flexible Working With VoIP In The Education Sector

When you are planning how to sell VoIP to the education sector, remember to mention the benefits of remote working.

Not only does VoIP bring online learning for pupils and students, but there is also the opportunity of online working available to staff.

Teachers and administrative staff can access their files and data wherever they are. Instead of having to stay late in the evenings, they can pick it up at home and work using their virtual office. This allows for a better work-life balance. Plus, during times of lockdown or school closures, it means staff hours are not lost.

Get In Touch

If you have any further questions about how to sell VoIP to the education sector, then please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Our team of experts will be more than happy to have a chat with you.

If you are interested in becoming a VoIP reseller, then there is also more information about our VoIP Reseller proposition here.

You can telephone us on 03300881182, email or via our online contact form.



