VIP VoIP Integration: Emergency Telephone System

Temporary / Emergency Telephone Services

We can create an emergency telephone system immediately. One of the many benefits of our hosted VoIP solutions is that we can deploy them very quickly to solve urgent problems and they can be closed down just as easily when you stop needing them.

In any of these unusual scenarios, we can set up a working emergency telephone system within hours – no matter where you are.

Temporary emergency help-line

We can supply a new phone number and set up your team members with soft-phones on their PCs to work from anywhere. This could help alleviate pressure for an organisation in lots of scenarios:

  • Staff unable to come into work due to illness or self-isolating.
  • Increased staff requirements due to higher expected call rate.

These can be set up and removed as and when they are needed.

Emergency replacement for a broken PBX

If your office telephone system breaks down, we can set up a full functioning replacement either with physical VoIP phones or soft-phones.   All you have to do is ask your current telecoms supplier to redirect your inbound calls to a temporary number on our system.

This easy solution will allow you to get back to work as soon as possible, should your existing system fail.

Disaster recovery situations

Suppose your teams can’t work in your office for some reason – perhaps because of a fire or flood or a damaged phone line or even a transport problem?   We can enable you to work from alternative locations.

We’ve talked about the potential of VoIP in our article , How VoIP Could Help Companies During The Coronavirus Outbreak, but we believe that these ideas can be applied to companies no matter the emergency situation. Some of the main benefits being:

  • VoIP let’s you work anywhere
  • Allows collaboration using video and calls (great for education, public bodies like the NHS and business)
  • Can keep staff connected when self-isolating

Preparation is the best course of action, so feel free to discuss your disaster recovery plan with VIP VoIP whenever. If you are unfortunately in the situation already, please call us on on 03300881182 to speak to someone immediately. We will try get you back up and running as soon as possible.