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Using VoIP In Staff Training And HR


Using VoIP in staff training can be incredibly powerful. It can help professionals train new staff or upskill existing ones in a discreet and supportive way.

VoIP can also support HR by giving a very clear picture of the activities of staff without fear of inaccuracies.

Let’s have a look at how using VoIP in staff training and HR can be achieved and the benefits.

Training Staff With VoIP

VoIP can bring huge benefits to training staff on the telephone.

With VoIP, the training officer can discreetly listen in to calls being made.

Many staff, especially those at a junior level, can feel intimidated by using the phone to speak to customers for the first few times. This is especially true if the topic they are discussing is particularly complex or niche.

The training or HR officer can also feel nervous about having very new staff speak directly to customers or suppliers the first few times. Without knowing what is being said by both parties and being able to intervene, calls can go horribly wrong.

And if a call goes wrong, the consequences can be great, with missed opportunities, damaged reputation, and unfulfilled promises.

Of course, this will damage the confidence of the staff member being trained.

So how can using VoIP in staff training benefit? Let’s have a look at some key features.

Call Monitoring Through VoIP

Call monitoring is a fantastic way of supporting staff through the training process. With call monitoring, the HR or training officer can listen in to calls and hear both parties.

This means suggestions for improvements can be made and the quality of calls can be benchmarked.

Not only does this help train new staff, but it is also useful for performance reviews and upskilling existing staff.

With VoIP call monitoring, the training officer listening in can be completely silent. There is no feedback, no sound of breathing, and no click if they decide to leave or join a call partway through. That means the experience is not interrupted for the customer and the call monitoring is discreet.

This also enables the manager to get an accurate and true picture of how staff members perform when they aren’t being monitored and keeps standards high.

What Is VoIP Whisper?

Whisper is a fantastic function that allows the training officer to quietly speak directly to the staff member, almost like a whisper in the ear. The customer will never hear it.

This can be a real source of comfort for the member of staff being trained and the person training them.

Being able to discreetly correct and guide the staff through calls means the call sounds natural to the customer and the staff member is learning in a real-life setting. Plus, they can react to a situation that might not be thrown up in a role-play scenario.

What is Barge?

Barge is a little less discreet than Whisper and allows for an interruption. This can be vital if a call is going very badly, as they sometimes do.

This is especially useful if staff are being trained in a particularly contentious department or business. It is a sad fact that some businesses are more open to criticism or even fury from customers.

Bailiffs offices, complaints departments, court services, and bank workers, for example, are often on the receiving end of abuse. The Barge function will enable a more experienced member of staff to interrupt the call and diffuse the situation.

How Can VoIP Call Recording Help Training?

Using call recording through VoIP for staff training can be extremely useful and reassuring by recording calls and listening back to them with the trainee.

People often misremember things, especially if they have been under pressure. Being able to listen back to calls together can help a trainee identify their strengths and weaknesses on a call and improve next time.

How Can VoIP Help HR Professionals?

It is often the role of HR professionals to conduct performance reviews and, unfortunately, reprimand staff.

VoIP can help HR professionals by giving an irrefutable record of an event.

For example, imagine a disciplinary is raised against a member of staff for the way a call was handled.

Without VoIP, this could be a case of believing one person’s word over another. With VoIP, the HR professional has clear evidence of what actually happened on the call.

This clarity makes any disciplinary much more straight forward. It is also likely to reduce the number of questionable disciplinaries or complaints that are brought, saving time and maintaining morale.

Call Analytics

Call analytics through VoIP can help HR professionals or managers by ensuring calls are being evenly answered by the team.

Making sure everyone in a team answers the phone not only helps to ensure staff morale remains high but also that each team member is pulling their weight. And, it helps to determine if staffing levels are correct.

With call analytics, HR and managers can see how many calls are being answered or made by each person, and how long they spend on the phone.

They can also adjust the hunt group to ensure an even spread.

Ready For VoIP?

If you think VoIP will help to train staff and support the HR function in your business, get in touch with us today.

We provide bespoke and tailored VoIP solutions without tying people into long contracts.

Have a look at our VoIP features here to find out more. Alternatively, get in touch with us here through our contact form, or email We will be happy to help.



