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Can VoIP Help You To Be Organised?


Monday was National Tidy Your Desk Day and Tuesday the 14th January is Organise Your Home Day, so we thought it would be as good a time as any to tell you how VoIP can help you to be organised.

VoIP Call Handling

Traditional phone lines are fine for domestic usage, but for businesses they can quite easily become overworked. We are sure you have all tried to phone the doctors or a school to be met with the ‘engaged’ tone and have not been sure what to do next.

Do you keep phoning? Is their line working? How long do I keep trying?

With a VoIP system they can have all of the calls signposted and routed exactly how and where they want them to be.

Automated phone menus that can let the caller get through to the right person straight away, mean that the receptionist or admin team doesn’t get swamped with telephone calls and can carry on with their work.

This also helps anyone contacting the business, if the phone line is busy, or there is no answer, they can quite often end up feeling frustrated by the time they get to speak to someone or decide to give up completely!

If a member of staff is off sick or on holiday, they can have the call re-routed seamlessly. Similarly, if a staff member is working at home or in another location the call can be transferred to their home or mobile phone straight away.

So, there is no need for anyone to write down several phone numbers, the VoIP system will help you to be organised.

VoIP Video Calls

One of the obvious selling points of VoIP technology is the video call function. Most of us will have probably used video calls, whether it’s Facetime or Skype.

A notable advantage of the VoIP solution is the high audio and visual quality of calls, especially with conference calls including several people which historically have been known to lag or buffer.

Organising staff meetings can be tricky when everyone is busy, out and about on appointments, or working from different locations.

Staff meetings are important from an organisational point of view, as both management and staff can update and be updated on what they are doing.

An administrator could struggle to find a day and time when all members of staff are available but with a video call this can make arranging a meeting much easier.

With the VIP VoIP technology solution, the tech can be used on different devices, not just the handset and hardware located in one office.

So, staff could take part in meetings when they are out of the office and working remotely.

VoIP To Train Staff and Customers

Because the quality of VoIP video calls is so high, more and more businesses are pushing the boundaries on what it can be used for.

No longer limited to just using it for ‘normal’ phone calls, sectors like Healthcare have started to use VoIP for some staff training and also in some cases to have consultations with patients.

The Education sector have also started using VoIP for virtual lessons and even using it to share talks and lectures at conventions.

VoIP Virtual Call Centres

Working in a call centre is busy and hectic. There are lots of noticeboards and flipcharts constantly being updated with sales and call figures and it can be quite tricky to keep on top of who is doing what.

With a VoIP Call Centre, there isn’t any need for lots of paper and whiteboard pens or dozens of post it notes stuck to a computer screen. There is also no need for calls and data to be recorded manually.

The VIP VoIP Call Centre solution works with an existing CRM database so that call centre workers can click from the CRM to call. No more misdialled calls!

It also has a virtual whiteboard that is updated in real time with a range of call data, for example, how many calls are made, sales conversions, missed calls and much more.

From a Management point of view, there is a call centre dashboard that allows Managers to track call data and can be configured to report a wide variety of info from calls per user, call durations, call success rate etc.

It also has an easy listen to calls function that allows managers to hear calls live or retrospectively, which could be particularly useful for staff training and customer relations.

Get In Touch

As you can see, there are a lot of ways in which VoIP can help you to be organised.

If you should want some more information, have any questions from customers that you can’t find the answers for, or would just like a chat about becoming a VoIP reseller, then please do not hesitate to contact us.

Our team of experts are always happy to have a chat with about our services, products and also demonstrations on why VoIP technology is the ideal business communications solution.

You can call us on 03300881182, email or via our online contact form here.




